Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Amazon’s Cloud Reader Still Doesn’t Take the Web Seriously

Seattle based tech giant Amazon has introduced the new Amazon Cloud Reader for readers on the web who do not necessarily own a Kindle device. Now such people can read and download their favorite e-books from the Kindle store and read them on any computer which has a web connection. It is basically a web app for online reading and library management. It's designed primarily for people who don't have Kindle device or don't want to install any extra software.

Here are the hits and the misses:

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Kindle Customer Phone Number
The frictionless shopping of Kindle makes the very powerful despite it lacking a shiny interface. A subscriber can buy and download a book from anywhere and begin reading it instantly. The rivals of Amazon have caught up on this and the i-pad of Apple is also providing a friction less experience.
However, it seems that the misses of the Amazon Cloud Reader have outweighed the hits.
A user is forbidden from using an unsupported browser which is more often than not is the case with most users. Moreover, the user cannot highlight text or write notes or even read older notes which makes it very problematic for a user who is using this interface.Moreover, one cannot copy and paste text on the interface.

Also, a subscriber is also not allowed to share text or notes over social media like twitter and facebook. This can only be done in the iOS Kindle application. Though one can buy and download books but the subscribers cannot buy magazines or periodicals. This also can only done on the iOS application.

Kindle Tech Support
Kindle Tech Support
Moreover, a subscriber also cannot read enhanced books with audio or video that Amazon sells for i-pad, i-pod touch and I Phone. EPUB3, the emerging but still incomplete e-book standard that is HTML5 but isn’t used by the Kindle. Or Nook. Or iBooks. Even for the enhanced books that sometimes use HTML5 audio and video.

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